
Thursday, 31 May 2012
001; bruise pristine @ 13:52

Just a little case of mood poisoning.. must have been something I hate.

I'm a lazy bastard. I'm a lazy bastard. I'm a lazy bastard. I'm a lazy bastard. I'm a lazy bastard.

Haven't you heard? I've decided to try a new motivational tactic. Instead of taxing myself with a daunting 'to do' list every day, I'm going to redirect that energy into making an 'accomplished today' memo, and take note of the things that I actually got off my ass and did. Yeah, it's not the best method, I'm lazy, bite my shiny metal ass.

What I've Accomplished Today;

  • Downloaded, labeled, and sorted over 1,400 textures for PSP;
  • [Finally] downloaded the CDs my mom asked me for;
  • Got my base layout coded for VF, now working on colours and imaging;
  • Downloaded World War Z for my kindle;
  • Lost my mobile twice, left my kindle in the fridge, and searched for the headphones that were still on my head for a good half-hour before I thought to question where the music came from;
  • Two more CDs for mom;
  • Four icons, six banners, and touched up a previous blend I did;
  • Two more blends, downloaded new pixel fonts, and added about 25 new books to my kindle;
* kiss my ass, Jack.

And it's only 1300. Now it's 1611. 2145&I'm out.